Urban planning project by Studio «MAP.NYSA»
Quality. Especially.
About us
We've been in business since 2018 and we're one of the most trusted studios for the best level design.
Key facts and figures:
  • The best level design according to our players
  • We have been working in the field of level design for more than 5 years
  • A team of 10 people around the world, as well as more than 30 partners from different countries
  • Headquarters in key countries for our project: USA - Los Angeles; Poland - Warsaw, Nysa; China - Nanyang
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to scan the qr code or click on it.
Studio "MAP.NYSA" and other trademarks of Studio "MAP.NYSA" are trademarks of Studio "MAP.NYSA" LLC. All other trademarks mentioned in this document belong exclusively to their respective owners.
Partners we trust
Years of experience have shown confidence in these projects
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